The Second International Music Festival of Esmeraldas invites students of all nationalities born 1985 and after. All student tuition costs are sponsored by our principal donors. This means that ALL expenses related to the festival including application fees, masterclass tuition, accommodation, and meals are completely FREE for participating students. However, participants must to cover their own travel expenses to and from Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
1. Participants are required to:
-Be present at all official Festival activities: concerts, masterclasses, theory classes, orchestral and quartet rehearsals.
-Prepare all solo, orchestral and quartet reperoire before the start of the Festival. Orchestral parts will be sent by production staff by email to each selected participant.
2. Participants may apply as individuals or with a pre-formed chamber music group
-For individual applications we require (as seen in the form below) name, contact information, and a brief biography. Tell us about your studies, teachers, and most recent musical accomplishments.
-If applying as a chamber music group, all members must participate in all official Festival activities. When filling out the application, please provide the name, a short biography of the group and the age of each of its members.
To apply please fill in the required fields of the form below. The deadline for applications is on February 7. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.